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General Dentistry, Gum Disease, Oral Health

How Your Dentist Can Help You Beat Bad Breath

How Your Dentist Can Help You Beat Bad Breath

Bad breath, or halitosis, is a common problem that can be embarrassing and distressing. Many people experience bad breath at some point in their lives, and it’s often caused by various factors that your dentist can help you identify and treat. If you’re struggling with bad breath, visiting a dentist in Douglasville is a significant first step to finding a solution.

Common Causes of Bad Breath

Bad breath can be caused by several factors, including:

  • Poor dental hygiene

Not brushing and flossing regularly can leave food particles that promote bacterial growth between teeth, on the tongue, and around the gums.

  • Foods and beverages

Certain foods, such as onions, garlic, and spices, and beverages like coffee, can temporarily worsen breath.

  • Tobacco products

Smoking or chewing tobacco-based products can also cause bad breath.

  • Dry mouth

This condition reduces saliva production, which is necessary to clean the mouth and remove particles that cause bad odors.

  • Medical conditions

Sometimes, bad breath is a sign of a more serious condition, such as diabetes, kidney or liver problems, or chronic sinus infections.

How Your Dentist Can Help

The good news is that your dentist in Douglasville can play a crucial role in treating bad breath by:

  • Performing a thorough oral examination should be performed to check for any dental problems that might be contributing to bad breath.
  • Giving you professional dental cleaning to remove built-up plaque and tartar that cause bad breath.
  • Offering guidance on proper oral hygiene, showing you how to effectively brush and floss to eliminate the bacteria that cause bad breath.
  • Recommending products such as mouthwashes and toothpaste designed to fight bad breath. 
  • Identify dry mouth and recommend specific treatments or changes to your medications.

Simple Steps to Improve Your Breath at Home

While your dentist can provide treatments and advice, there are also steps you can take at home to improve your breath. Try the following: 

  • Brushing and flossing daily

Be sure to clean your teeth twice daily and floss daily to remove food debris and plaque.

  • Using mouthwash

A therapeutic mouthwash can help reduce plaque and eliminate or decrease bacteria that cause bad breath.

  • Staying hydrated

Drinking water throughout the day helps keep your mouth clean and reduces dry mouth.

  • Cleaning your tongue

Use a tongue scraper or your toothbrush to clean your tongue regularly.

  • Quitting smoking

If you smoke or use other tobacco products, quitting can significantly improve your breath and your overall health.

When to See a Dentist

If you have tried these steps and still have bad breath, it might be time to consult your dentist. Persistent bad breath can indicate a more serious underlying condition, such as gum disease. Your dentist can help you identify the cause and recommend appropriate treatment.

While bad breath can be a nuisance, it’s often treatable with the right combination of dental care and personal hygiene practices. Your dentist in Douglasville is ready to help you achieve fresh breath and maintain a healthy smile. Don’t let bad breath hold you back—contact our dental office today for a consultation!



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General Dentistry, Gum Disease, Oral Health

The Link Between Oral Health and Chronic Diseases

The Link Between Oral Health and Chronic Diseases

Maintaining good oral health is much more than having a bright, beautiful smile. Emerging research has continuously shown a significant connection between oral health and overall physical health, particularly concerning chronic diseases. Understanding this link is crucial, not only for maintaining a healthy lifestyle but also for preventing more severe health complications.

Understanding the Connection

Oral health and overall health are more interconnected than one might initially think. Here’s how poor oral health can affect your body:

  • Heart Disease: Individuals with gum disease (periodontitis) are at an increased risk of developing heart disease. The inflammation caused by gum disease may be responsible for the association.
  • Diabetes: Gum disease often makes it harder to control blood sugar and exacerbates diabetes symptoms. Conversely, managing diabetes can improve oral health.
  • Respiratory Infections: The bacteria from infected gums and teeth can be breathed into the lungs or travel through the bloodstream, leading to respiratory diseases such as pneumonia.

How Good Oral Health Can Help

Keeping your mouth clean and healthy has more benefits than one might expect. Here are some key ways maintaining good oral health can help prevent chronic diseases:

  • Reduces Inflammation: Regular brushing and flossing reduce gum inflammation and the risk of gum disease, which is linked to heart disease and stroke.
  • Helps Control Diabetes: Good oral hygiene is very beneficial for people with diabetes, as it helps control blood sugar levels.
  • Prevents Bacteria Spread: Good oral hygiene practices help prevent the bacteria in your mouth from spreading to other parts of your body, reducing the risk of infections.

How Your Dentist Can Help Keep You Healthy

Your dentist in Douglasville is a key part of your wellness team and can provide comprehensive oral care supporting your overall health. 

  • Regular Check-ups and Cleanings: To catch and treat problems early, preventing complications related to chronic diseases.
  • Periodontal Care: Specialized treatments to address gum disease and its effects on your health.
  • Educational Resources: Guidance on how to maintain optimal oral health at home, which in turn helps manage or prevent chronic diseases.

Take Action for Your Health

Understanding the extensive connection between oral and overall health illuminates dental hygiene’s critical role in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. By focusing on good oral hygiene practices, seeking regular dental care, and addressing any concerns early, you can significantly contribute to your long-term health and well-being. 

Contact our office today if you are looking for a dentist in Douglasville who understands the critical link between oral health and chronic diseases. We’re ready to help you achieve and maintain optimal oral health, a vital step towards a healthier life. Don’t overlook the importance of your oral health—your body will thank you.



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General Dentistry, Gum Disease, Oral Health

Navigating Dental Health in Your Senior Years

Navigating Dental Health in Your Senior Years

Maintaining dental health becomes increasingly important as we age. Changes in our oral environment, often influenced by general health conditions and medications, can significantly impact our dental status. Understanding these changes is crucial for preserving dental health and the overall quality of life for seniors.

How Does Aging Affect Dental Health?

As we grow older, several factors can affect the health of our teeth and gums, including:

  • Natural Wear and Tear

Teeth naturally wear down from decades of chewing and exposure to acidic foods, which can lead to sensitivity and increased risk of cavities.

  • Gum Recession

Gums may naturally recede with age, which exposes tooth roots to potential decay and increases sensitivity.

  • Decreased Saliva Production

Many older adults experience dry mouth due to certain medications or medical conditions. This decreases saliva, which helps protect teeth from decay.

Key Dental Concerns for Older Adults

Aging can bring about specific dental concerns that need timely attention to prevent significant health issues such as: 

  • Increased Risk of Decay and Gum Disease: With age, the risk of diseases such as decay and gum disease increases, potentially leading to pain and tooth loss.
  • Difficulty in Maintaining Oral Hygiene: Arthritis or other mobility issues can make routine brushing and flossing challenging, compromising oral hygiene.
  • Existing Restorations: Older fillings and restorations may fail and need replacement or adjustment.

If you have any discomfort, changes in your bite, or issues with restorations, contact your dentist in Douglasville promptly. Regular visits not only help keep your teeth and gums in good condition but also allow for early detection and treatment of potential problems.

Senior Dental Care

Dentists are trained and educated to address the unique needs of senior patients. One way a dentist can help is by providing tailored dental exams focusing on seniors’ specific needs, including screenings for oral cancer and denture care. Additionally, multiple restorative dentistry treatments, such as dentures, crowns, and dental implants, enhance comfort and functionality. 

Tips for Senior Dental Care at Home

Maintaining good oral health in senior years involves a few critical practices:

  • Effective Oral Hygiene: Use an electric toothbrush for easier handling and better cleaning. 
  • Regular Hydration: Drinking plenty of water helps alleviate dry mouth, promoting healthier gums and teeth.
  • Nutritious Diet: Incorporating vitamins and minerals that promote oral health into your diet, focusing on dairy products, leafy greens, and fibrous fruits.

Remember, oral health is vital for sustaining overall health and well-being as you age. If you are searching for compassionate and comprehensive senior dental care in Douglasville, please reach out to our office. We are committed to assisting our senior patients in maintaining a healthy, functional, and confident smile throughout their later years.



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Gum Disease, General Dentistry, Oral Health

What Your Gum Measurements Say About Your Oral Health

What Your Gum Measurements Say About Your Oral Health

When it comes to oral health, we focus on the state of our teeth – brushing, flossing, and visiting your dentist in Douglasville regularly. However, another crucial aspect of oral hygiene that deserves attention is the health of our gums. Dentists use specific measurements to assess the condition of your gums, providing valuable insights into your overall oral health. Let’s delve into what these measurements mean and why they are essential for maintaining a healthy smile.

Understanding Periodontal Health

The health of your gums is a key indicator of your overall oral health. Periodontal health refers to the condition of the supporting structures around your teeth, including the gums, periodontal ligament, and bone. Periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis and periodontitis, can have a significant impact on these structures.

Gingival Measurements

Dentists use a periodontal probe to measure the depth of spaces, or pockets, between your teeth and gums. This measurement is called probing depth and is a crucial factor in assessing gingival health. Healthy gums typically have shallow pockets, while deeper pockets may indicate gum disease.

  • Normal Pocket Depth

Healthy gums usually have pocket depths of 1 to 3 millimeters. This range suggests that the gums are firmly attached to the teeth and provide effective protection against bacteria.

  • Increased Pocket Depth

Pockets measuring 4 millimeters or more may indicate the presence of gingivitis or periodontitis. Deeper pockets allow bacteria to accumulate, leading to inflammation and potential damage to the supporting structures.

  • Bleeding When Probing

Bleeding during probing is a sign of inflammation and is commonly associated with gingivitis. It indicates that the gums are reacting to the presence of bacteria, and early intervention is crucial to prevent the progression of the disease.

Periodontal Charting

Your dentist in Douglasville will use a periodontal chart to record these measurements and track changes in your gum health over time. Regular periodontal charting is a valuable tool for monitoring and managing gum diseases. It helps dentists identify areas of concern, track the effectiveness of treatment, and make informed decisions about oral care.

The Importance of Gum Health

  • Preventing Gum Disease

Regular monitoring of gum measurements allows for early detection of gingivitis and periodontitis. Timely intervention, such as professional cleanings and improved oral hygiene practices, can prevent the progression of gum disease.

  • Preserving Tooth Support

Healthy gums are crucial for supporting your teeth. As gum disease advances, it can lead to the destruction of the bone and connective tissues that support your teeth, potentially resulting in tooth loss

  • Systemic Health Connection

Research suggests a link between gum health and overall systemic health. Chronic inflammation from gum disease may contribute to the development of other health conditions, such as cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

Paying attention to the measurements of your gums is paramount to protecting your teeth and overall oral health. These measurements serve as a window into the state of your gum health, providing valuable information about the condition of your gums and the potential presence of gum disease. Regular dental check-ups, professional cleanings, and a diligent oral hygiene routine are essential components of maintaining healthy gums. By understanding and monitoring your gum measurements, you can take proactive steps to preserve your oral health and contribute to your overall well-being. Remember, a healthy smile starts with healthy gums!




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General Dentistry, Dental Hygiene, Gum Disease, Oral Health

Good Dental Habits May Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

Good Dental Habits May Reduce the Risk of Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and when most people think about reducing the risk of breast cancer, they think about maintaining a healthy diet, regular exercise, and routine breast examinations. However, your dentist in Douglasville  has some news about how taking care of your teeth may reduce the risk of breast cancer. In fact, recent research has suggested a strong link between oral health and breast cancer risk. 

How Can Oral Health Affect Overall Health? 

There’s a concept called the oral-systemic connection that has gained significant attention in the medical field in recent years. It refers to the intricate and interesting relationship between oral health and the overall health of the body. It’s no longer a secret that poor oral health can contribute to various whole-health issues, including heart disease, diabetes, and respiratory problems. Now, emerging research is shedding light on the connection between oral health and breast cancer.

The Link Between Gum Disease and Breast Cancer

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence linking oral health to breast cancer risk is the association between gum disease (periodontal disease) and breast cancer. Multiple studies have indicated that women with gum disease have a higher risk of developing breast cancer than those with healthy gums.

Researchers believe that the inflammation caused by gum disease may be a significant contributing factor. Chronic inflammation is known to play a crucial role in the development and progression of various cancers, including breast cancer. When the gums are infected and inflamed, the body’s immune response is activated, releasing inflammatory molecules into the bloodstream. These molecules can potentially reach breast tissue and promote the growth of cancer cells.

The Role of Oral Bacteria

Another intriguing aspect of the oral-breast cancer connection involves the role of specific oral bacteria. Some studies have identified certain types of bacteria that are more prevalent in the mouths of women with breast cancer. These bacteria produce enzymes that can modify estrogen, a hormone associated with breast cancer development. 

Maintaining Good Dental Habits

Maintaining good dental habits is wise for various reasons, but knowing that it may help reduce the risk of breast cancer makes it crucial. Make sure you’re: 

  • Brushing and Flossing

Brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing daily can help keep your gums healthy and reduce the risk of gum disease and therefore the risk of cancers, including breast cancer.

  • Limiting Sugar Intake

Sugary foods and drinks can contribute to tooth decay and gum disease. Reducing sugar consumption can improve your oral health and overall health.

  • Quitting Smoking

Smoking is a significant risk factor for gum disease and various cancers, including breast cancer. Quitting smoking is a crucial step in improving both your oral and overall health.

  • Eating a Balanced Diet

A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provides essential nutrients for gum health. Additionally, antioxidants found in these foods may help reduce inflammation in the body.

  • Seeing Your Dentist Regularly

Visiting your dentist in Douglasville for regular checkups and cleanings is essential. Dentists can detect gum disease early and provide treatment to prevent its progression. Make sure to schedule an appointment every six months.

While more research is needed to fully understand the complex relationship between oral health and breast cancer, the evidence so far suggests that good dental habits can play a role in reducing the risk of this prevalent cancer. Taking care of your oral health by practicing good dental hygiene, visiting your dentist regularly, and making healthy lifestyle choices can contribute to a healthier overall well-being.



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Oral Health, General Dentistry, Gum Disease

4 Stages of Gum Disease

4 Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common infection that affects the gum tissue. It’s so common, in fact, that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that nearly half of Americans over the age of 30 have some form of the disease. In the early stages, gum disease can often be treated successfully by your dentist in Douglasville. However, if the disease progresses, it could mean serious trouble. 

Stage 1: Gingivitis

The least severe stage of gum disease is gingivitis. During this stage, the infection only affects the gum tissue, and treatment can help reverse the disease. 

Stage 2: Early Periodontitis

If gingivitis isn’t treated it can progress into the initial stages of periodontitis. When this happens, the infection starts to spread into the areas where tissues connect teeth to bone.  

Stage 3: Mild Periodontitis

Following early periodontitis is mild or moderate periodontitis. It’s during this stage when a patient can experience significant bone loss. 

Stage 4: Advanced Periodontitis

The most severe case of gum disease is advanced periodontitis where there is more than 50% bone loss. 

Signs of Gum Disease

Signs and symptoms of gum disease can vary depending on the stage of infection and can range from: 

  • Bleeding gums
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Receding gums
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Loose teeth

If you’re experiencing any signs of gum disease, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your dentist in Douglasville

How is Gum Disease Treated?

There are a number of ways that your dentist can treat gum disease. Again, it depends on each individual situation. Some of the common treatments for gum disease include:

  • Deep Cleaning – A deep cleaning will clean up under the gum line and not just above it like a traditional dental cleaning. This can help remove the infection at the source. 
  • Antibiotics – Just like when you’re sick, taking antibiotics for gum disease can help fight off bacteria and the infection. 
  • Surgery – In more serious cases, your dentist may recommend gum surgery such as a gum graft.

How to Lower Your Risk of Gum Disease

The best way to ensure your gums stay healthy is to brush and floss twice daily. Getting into this habit will help remove plaque buildup. Allowing plaque to accumulate on the teeth is what ultimately leads to gum disease in the first place. There are also other ways you can lower your risk of gum disease. 

  • Stop smoking or using tobacco products
  • Replace your toothbrush often – no toothbrush should be used for longer than 3 months
  • See your dentist in Douglasville at least twice a year

Don’t let gum disease affect your oral health or your teeth. Keep your biannual dental appointments for regular preventive care so your dentist can detect and treat any problems early. 



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Oral Health, General Dentistry, Gum Disease

The Surprising Side Effect of Gum Disease

The Surprising Side Effect of Gum Disease

Your dentist in Douglasville has known for quite some time that there is a strong link between gum disease and other whole-body concerns, such as an increased risk for heart disease and stroke. But recent research by the American Academy for Cancer Research has also shown a connection between gum disease and the development of colon cancer. During this Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, we want to share the findings so our patients can do everything possible to protect themselves from gum disease and the potential negative side effects. 

Research Results

This new long-term study followed the health of 42,486 Americans, both men, and women, for several decades. The goal was to monitor the health, diet, and results of colonoscopies to determine if there was any possible link between gum disease and colon cancer. While the results did support the theory, researchers say more studies are needed to back up these findings. 

Scientists were interested in looking at two particular types of intestinal lesions that often precede colon cancer — serrated polyps and conventional adenomas — as well as participants’ history of gum disease. They found that those patients who had a history of gum also had: 

  • A 17% increased risk of having a serrated polyp
  • An 11% increased risk of having a conventional adenoma
  • A 20% increased risk of having a serrated polyp if the participant had lost four or more teeth

6 Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease can present itself in a number of ways, but there are some signs that are more common such as:

  • Bad breath that doesn’t go away
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Gums that bleed
  • Loose teeth
  • Gum recession
  • Pain when chewing
  • If you recognize any of these signs of gum disease, call your dentist in Douglasville to schedule an appointment as soon as you can. When gum disease is caught in its earliest stages it can often be treated successfully. However, when gum disease becomes more serious, it can become irreversible. 

Reduce Your Risk of Gum Disease

It’s important to remember that uncontrollable factors such as age and genetics can increase someone’s chances of getting gum disease. But there are also habits and lifestyle factors that we can control that can also increase the risk. Following these tips from your dentist in Douglasville can reduce the likelihood of developing gum disease: 

  • Follow a proper oral hygiene routine of brushing twice a day and flossing once a day
  • Eat a well-balanced diet
  • Stop using tobacco products
  • Keep seeing your dentist for bi-annual checkups and cleanings

Gum disease isn’t something to take lightly, and it’s crucial to monitor any changes that occur in the mouth to catch problems before they have a chance to become bigger concerns and cause health problems. If you notice any of the signs of gum disease or it’s been longer than six months since your last visit, schedule a dental appointment today. 



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General Dentistry, Gum Disease, Oral Health, Prevention, Restorative Dentistry

Pandemic Stress & Oral Health Problems

Pandemic Stress & Oral Health Problems

As we head into the one-year mark of this pandemic, there are still several unknowns. But one thing has remained constant the whole time — stress levels are high, and rightfully so. Stress isn’t the best thing for health, especially at times like these. Prolonged periods of high stress can put us at increased risk for heart disease, actually make our immune systems less effective, and cause some unwanted gut problems. That’s not all. Dentists have also noticed an increase in oral health problems the past year, including this dentist featured in the New York Times. In today’s blog, your dentist in Douglasville explores some ways how stress can affect your oral health. 

Chipped or Broken Teeth

You know how your body reacts kind of automatically when you’re stressed out? Maybe you start to sweat even though you’re not hot. Or perhaps your heart starts beating so fast it’s all you can hear. These and other subconscious reactions happen, and they’re not always so obvious. In fact, sometimes we don’t even notice that our body reacted at all. One great example of this is when we grind or clench our teeth. Many times we’re not even aware that we’re doing it, but it can certainly cause trouble. The constant pressure of teeth on teeth during clenching or grinding can cause tooth damage such as chips, cracks, or breaks and will require treatment from your dentist in Douglasville.   

Jaw Pain

Unfortunately, the problems with clenching and grinding don’t end with damaged teeth. These repeated motions over and over again can start to cause jaw pain as the muscles in the jaw joint are overworked. If this happens over a long period of time, this can develop into TMJ disorder, and the pain can become severe and lead to other problems such as headaches, neck pain, and difficulty chewing. 

Gum Disease

Now, besides the problems associated with clenching and grinding, there’s also the risk of gum disease. Gum disease is an infection in the gum tissue and is usually caused by poor dental hygiene or tobacco use. However, stress may also increase the risk of developing gum disease. Your dentist in Douglasville can treat gum disease if it’s caught early, but if the disease becomes more severe it also becomes irreversible. Untreated advanced gum disease can cause tooth loss and increase the risk of heart disease, kidney disease, and some cancers. 

Canker Sores

It’s important to note that scientists have yet to determine one absolute cause of canker sores. But research conducted by the Academy of General Dentistry suggests a possible correlation between high levels of stress and the development of canker sores. Even though these painful bumps may be a little bit painful and a lot bit annoying, they’re not contagious or dangerous and should go away on their own.

Lower Your Stress, Lower Your Risk

We know it’s hard to lower your stress levels, especially nowadays, but we can’t stress enough just how important it is to try different ways to live as stress-free of a life as possible to lower your risk of health problems. Some ways to reduce stress include: 

  • Getting Enough Sleep. We need to sleep in order to recover and keep our bodies functioning properly. Aim for 8 hours a day and follow a regular routine of waking up at the same time every day.
  • Exercising Every Day. Whatever your exercise of choice is, try to do it every day. Hop on a bike. Go for a walk. Do some high-intensity interval training. Just get sweating. Exercise has been proven to release endorphins which can decrease stress and keep us healthy. 
  • Breathing It Out. Meditation has been used for centuries as a stress-reduction tactic. Find a quiet space, focus on your breath, and clear your mind to lower heart rate, blood pressure, and help you relax. 

Everyone is different, but try to find a stress-reduction technique that works for you and practice it every day. Your body, mind, and overall health will thank you for it.



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Oral Health, Gum Disease

Diabetes & Oral Health

Diabetes & Oral Health

November is Diabetes Awareness Month and strives to raise awareness of a chronic disease that affects nearly 30 million Americans. But what does this have to do with your dentist in Douglasville? Well, the truth is, there is a strong connection between oral health and diabetes, and it’s ever more important for diabetics to take care of their teeth. In fact, research shows that diabetes can result in complications throughout the body including heart, kidney, nerve, eye, and gum disease. Here are a few easy ways to protect your teeth and your overall health. 

The Importance of Oral Hygiene

One of the best ways for diabetics and non-diabetics to reduce their risk of gum disease is to practice good oral hygiene. This means brushing your teeth at least twice a day, gently brushing your tongue, and flossing daily. However, just quickly brushing or using the wrong tools won’t do much to protect your teeth. Make sure you brush for two minutes, use fluoride toothpaste to protect teeth against decay, and use gentle circular motions to effectively remove plaque and bacteria without damaging your enamel. 

Additionally, it’s also incredibly important to see your dentist in Douglasville at least every six months for a deeper professional cleaning that will remove plaque buildup that at-home brushing alone won’t touch.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Diabetics know just how important it is to choose healthy foods to maintain their blood sugar levels. But eating a well-balanced diet can also help protect oral and overall health. Fresh crunchy fruits and crisp vegetables can fuel your body with essential nutrients and can also help gently scrub bacteria off of your teeth in between brushings. And of course, your dentist in Douglasville would caution anyone, especially diabetics, of eating too much sugar. This includes hidden sugars that are often found in foods with a lot of carbohydrates. Make sure to work with your doctor to find a dietary plan that works for you and your body. 

Check Your Blood Sugar Regularly

While this is a regular part of every diabetic’s life, checking and maintaining healthy blood glucose levels is crucial to protecting your health. This is true for oral health, too. If your numbers are not controlled properly, you can experience loose teeth, gum disease, and other issues. But that’s not all. If there is an infection such as gum disease in the body, blood glucose levels will become elevated and can be difficult to control. 

Our dental office in Douglasville is dedicated to doing our part to help raise awareness about how diabetes can affect oral health during Diabetes Awareness Month and all year long. To help us better care for you, make sure to share your health history with your dental team and discuss any changes in your mouth or overall health with your dentist at each visit.



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Gum Disease, General Dentistry, Oral Health

What Causes Receding Gums?

What Causes Receding Gums?

If you have gum pain, swollen gums, or increased tooth sensitivity, particularly along the gum line, you may be experiencing gum recession. This oral health problem can lead to other issues down the road, including increased tooth decay, sensitive teeth, and even tooth loss. So what exactly causes receding gums, and how is it treated? Your dentist in Douglasville is here to help. 

Gum Recession: 101
Let’s first dive into what gum recession is so we can better understand how it affects oral health, what can cause it, and how it’s treated. Gum recession occurs when gum tissue starts to pull away from teeth, exposing teeth roots. Without this protection covering the roots and the inner workings of the teeth, it’s highly likely that tooth sensitivity will increase. Additionally, teeth are at greater risk for decay, cavities, and eventual tooth loss. But that’s not all. Once gum tissue is gone, it’s gone, and there’s no growing it back. However, your dentist may have treatment options available to help with gum recession. 

Gum Recession Causes
There are a whole host of things that can cause gums to recede, and the cause can vary from person to person and include: 

  • Gum Disease
  • Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard
  • Grinding and Clenching
  • Trauma

It’s best to talk with your dentist in Douglasville to determine the main cause of your specific case so they can recommend the best gum recession treatment for you. 

Treating Gum Recession
Just like there is no singular cause of gum recession, there’s also no singular treatment that’s right for everyone. Your treatment plan will be custom created just for you based on how severe your recession is. Treatment options can include: 

  • Scaling & Root Planing: The most common type of gum recession treatment is done right in your dentist’s office and is called scaling and root planing. This procedure is similar to a dental cleaning, but the difference is both the tooth and the roots are cleaned during a scaling and root planing. Scaling and root planing helps remove plaque and tartar buildup from up under the gums and from the roots of teeth. You will most likely be numbed for this treatment to help keep you comfortable and relaxed.
  • Antibiotics: Another treatment option that is often paired with scaling and root planing is the use of an antibiotic. The antibiotic helps remove any bacteria that may still be hanging around.
  • Surgical Treatment: More advanced gum recession may require more advanced dental treatment. Thankfully, there are several surgical techniques that dentists can use to help combat gum recession. This treatment option is not appropriate for everyone, and it’s important to note that just because you have gum recession, it doesn’t mean you’ll need surgery. The best to find out how to treat gum recession is to talk with your dentist in Douglasville

Receding gums may sound scary, but try not to worry. Besides having several treatment options to choose from, there are also things you can do to prevent gum recession from happening in the first place, and most of them are easy. Make sure you brush and floss every day and make sure you’re brushing using a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle, small circles. Lastly, see your dentist in Douglasville twice a year to further protect your oral health.