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General Dentistry, Oral Health

What is Oral Surgery? 

What is Oral Surgery? 

Oral surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures aimed at diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the mouth, jaw, face, and neck. While one of the most common procedures that fall under oral surgery is wisdom teeth, oral surgery could also range from corrective jaw surgery to complex tooth extractions. Even though oral surgery can sound scary, it plays a crucial role in restoring oral health and function.

Understanding Oral Surgery

Oral surgery involves surgical interventions performed by oral surgeons or highly trained dentists who have undergone extensive education and clinical training. These specialists possess expertise in various aspects of oral and maxillofacial surgery, including dental implants, facial trauma, oral pathology, and corrective jaw surgery.

Common Procedures in Oral Surgery

Oral surgery encompasses a wide array of procedures, tailored to address diverse oral health issues. Some of the most common procedures include:

  • Tooth Extractions

Oral surgeons perform tooth extractions for various reasons, such as severe decay, advanced periodontal disease, or impacted wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, often require surgical extraction due to impaction, which can lead to pain, infection, and dental misalignment.

  • Dental Implants

Dental implants are titanium posts surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. Oral surgeons meticulously plan and execute implant placement, ensuring optimal function and aesthetics for the patient.

  • Orthognathic Surgery

This corrective jaw surgery aims to correct abnormalities in the jawbones, such as misalignment or disproportionate growth. Orthognathic surgery not only enhances facial harmony but also improves chewing, speaking, and breathing functions.

  • Oral Pathology

An oral surgeon in Douglasville can also diagnose and treat various oral diseases and conditions, including oral cancer, cysts, and tumors. Early detection and intervention are crucial for managing these potentially life-threatening conditions.

Wisdom Teeth Removal in Douglasville

Among the various types of oral surgery procedures, wisdom teeth surgery stands out as one of the most prevalent. Wisdom teeth, the third molars that typically emerge in late adolescence or early adulthood, often pose problems due to impaction, inadequate space, or improper eruption angle. Some signs that you may need your wisdom teeth removed include:

  • Pain and Discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Tooth Movement
  • Difficulty Opening the Mouth

Individuals experiencing discomfort or complications related to their wisdom teeth should consult with a nearby dentist to determine the best treatment. If wisdom teeth removal is recommended, your dentist in Douglasville will work with you to make sure you get the best care possible. 

During a wisdom teeth extraction procedure, oral surgeons will administer local anesthesia or sedation to ensure patient comfort. They then carefully remove the affected teeth through surgical techniques, which may involve sectioning the tooth into smaller pieces for easier extraction.

Post-Operative Care

Following wisdom teeth removal, patients receive detailed post-operative instructions to promote optimal healing and minimize complications. This typically includes pain management, oral hygiene guidelines, dietary restrictions, and follow-up appointments to monitor recovery progress.

Oral surgery encompasses a diverse range of procedures aimed at addressing various oral health issues. Among these procedures, wisdom teeth surgery holds particular significance, offering relief from pain and preventing potential complications associated with impacted third molars. 



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General Dentistry, Oral Health

How to Take Care of Your Dentures

How to Take Care of Your Dentures

Dentures are a crucial investment in your oral health and quality of life. Whether you’re looking for dentures in Douglasville or are a seasoned wearer, proper care is essential to ensure their longevity and comfort. From daily maintenance to professional check-ups, here’s a comprehensive guide on how to take care of your dentures.

Daily Denture Care Routine

Establishing a daily denture care routine is vital to maintaining their cleanliness and preventing issues like plaque buildup and bacterial growth. Here’s what you should incorporate into your daily routine:

  • Brushing

Just like natural teeth, dentures require regular brushing to remove food particles and plaque. Use a soft-bristled brush specifically designed for dentures, and be sure to clean all surfaces thoroughly.

  • Rinsing

After meals, rinse your dentures with water to remove any loose debris. This simple step helps prevent stains and keeps your dentures feeling fresh.

  • Soaking

Overnight soaking is essential to keep dentures moist and prevent them from drying out. Use a denture cleaning solution or plain water to soak your dentures while you sleep.

  • Oral Hygiene

Even if you wear dentures, it’s essential to maintain good oral hygiene. Brush your gums, tongue, and palate with a soft-bristled brush to remove bacteria and stimulate circulation.

Avoid Damaging Habits

Certain habits can damage your dentures and shorten their lifespan. To help keep your dentures in good shape and avoid damage, there are certain things you can do, such as avoiding the following:

  • Chewing Hard Foods

While dentures are designed to withstand chewing, they are not as strong as natural teeth. Avoid chewing on hard foods like ice, hard candies, or nuts, as this can cause fractures or damage to your dentures.

  • Using Toothpicks

Toothpicks can scratch or damage the surface of your dentures. Instead, use a soft-bristled brush or a water flosser to clean between teeth and along the gumline.

  • Boiling Dentures

Boiling your dentures may seem like a good way to disinfect them, but high temperatures can warp or damage the material. Stick to gentle cleaning methods recommended by your dentist.

Have Regular Dental Check-Ups

Even if you no longer have natural teeth, regular dental check-ups with your dentist in Douglasville are still essential for denture wearers. Your dentist can:

  • Assess Fit

Over time, changes in your jawbone and gum tissue can affect the fit of your dentures. Your dentist can adjust or reline your dentures to ensure they fit comfortably and securely.

  • Inspect for Damage

Your dentist will examine your dentures for signs of wear, cracks, or other damage. Early detection allows for timely repairs, preventing more extensive issues down the line.

  • Monitor Oral Health

Regular check-ups allow your dentist to monitor your overall oral health and address any issues that may arise, such as gum disease or oral infections.

Denture Repair

Things happen, and sometimes dentures can be damaged. If your dentures become damaged or broken, your dentist can offer denture repair in Douglasville. Seeking professional repair services immediately is advised as attempting to fix them yourself can result in further damage and compromise their effectiveness.

Taking care of your dentures is essential for maintaining oral health and overall well-being. By following a daily care routine, avoiding damaging habits, scheduling regular check-ups, and seeking professional services when needed, you can ensure that your dentures serve you well for years to come. Remember, proper denture care not only preserves your investment but also enhances your comfort and confidence in everyday activities. 



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General Dentistry, Oral Health, TMJ Treatment

Can a Dental Splint or Mouthguard Really Help with TMJ Pain?

Can a Dental Splint or Mouthguard Really Help with TMJ Pain?

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMJ) is a condition that affects the jaw joint and the muscles surrounding it, leading to symptoms like pain, stiffness, headaches, and difficulty in jaw movement. Many individuals suffering from TMJ pain seek effective solutions to alleviate their discomfort, oftentimes without success. However, dental splints and mouthguards have gained popularity as potential treatments for TMJ pain and jaw discomfort, and may just be the right solution for you.

Understanding TMJ Pain

Before delving into the potential benefits of dental splints and mouthguards, it’s crucial to comprehend the nature of TMJ pain. The temporomandibular joint – or the TMJ – acts as a hinge connecting the jaw to the temporal bones of the skull. When this joint becomes misaligned or experiences excessive stress, it can result in TMJ pain. Common symptoms include jaw pain, difficulty chewing, clicking or popping sounds, and even headaches.

Are Dental Splints a Viable Solution for TMJ?

Dental splints for TMJ pain, also known as splint therapy or occlusal splints, are custom-made devices designed to fit over the teeth. They aim to stabilize the jaw joint and prevent excessive clenching or grinding, which are often associated with TMJ pain. These splints are typically worn during sleep, allowing the jaw muscles to relax and reducing strain on the temporomandibular joint.

In fact, research suggests that dental splints can be effective in managing TMJ pain by promoting proper jaw alignment and reducing the impact of habits like teeth grinding. However, the success of splint therapy varies among individuals, and it may not be a one-size-fits-all solution. It’s essential for individuals experiencing TMJ pain to consult with a dentist for a comprehensive assessment and personalized plan for TMJ treatment in Douglasville.

Mouthguards for TMJ Pain Relief

Mouthguards, commonly associated with athletes for protecting teeth during sports activities, can also play a role in managing TMJ pain. These devices are worn over the teeth to prevent grinding and clenching. By creating a barrier between the upper and lower teeth, mouthguards help reduce the strain on the jaw joint and alleviate TMJ-related symptoms such as jaw pain or headaches.

TMJ Treatment

While dental splints and mouthguards can offer relief for some individuals, it’s crucial to recognize that they are just one component of a comprehensive TMJ treatment plan. Seeking professional guidance from a dentist experienced in TMJ disorders is essential for accurate diagnosis and personalized care.

If you’re looking for jaw pain or headache treatment in Douglasville, you may just want to call your dentist, especially if nothing else has worked. Dental splints and mouthguards can be valuable tools in managing TMJ pain, but they are most effective when integrated into a comprehensive treatment plan. Always be open to talking with your dentist about any and all of your bodily symptoms, whether or not you think they’re related to dentistry. After all, they just may have the solution you’re looking for.