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Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dentistry, Oral Health

Why Are My Teeth Starting To Look Transparent?

Why Are My Teeth Starting To Look Transparent?

Have you ever looked in the mirror and noticed that your teeth are starting to look transparent or see-through? If so, you might wonder why this is happening and what you can do about it. Teeth that appear transparent can be a sign of underlying dental issues. Let’s explore some potential causes of transparent teeth and discuss how to keep your smile healthy and bright.

What Causes Teeth to Appear Transparent?

There are several reasons why teeth may start to look transparent:

  • Enamel Erosion

The outer layer of teeth, called enamel, protects teeth from damage. When enamel wears away, it can make teeth look transparent.

  • Acidic Foods and Drinks

Consuming many acidic foods and drinks, like soda, citrus fruits, and vinegar, can erode enamel over time.

  • Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth, especially at night, can wear down enamel and make your teeth look transparent.

  • Medical Conditions

Certain conditions like celiac disease can affect enamel and lead to transparent teeth.

How to Prevent Teeth from Becoming Transparent

Preventing your teeth from becoming transparent involves taking good care of your enamel. Here are some tips to help you maintain strong, healthy teeth:

  • Brush Gently

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and gentle brushing techniques to avoid wearing down enamel.

  • Limit Acidic Foods and Drinks

Try to reduce your consumption of acidic foods and drinks. If you do consume them, rinse your mouth with water afterward.

  • Use Fluoride Toothpaste

Fluoride helps strengthen enamel and protect your teeth from decay and cavities.

  • Wear a Mouthguard

Wearing a mouthguard can protect your enamel if you grind your teeth at night.

  • Stay Hydrated

Drinking plenty of water helps wash away acids and bacteria that can damage enamel.

Treatment Options for Transparent Teeth

If your teeth are already starting to look transparent, cosmetic dentistry in Douglasville can help:

  • Dental Bonding

Dental bonding is a simple procedure that uses a tooth-colored resin application to the surface of your teeth to cover the transparent areas and improve their appearance.

  • Veneers

Thin, custom-made shells called dental veneers can be placed over the front of your teeth to cover imperfections and make your teeth look whiter and more opaque.

  • Fluoride Treatments

While professional fluoride treatments aren’t a cosmetic solution, they can help strengthen enamel and protect your teeth from further damage.

Transparent teeth can be a sign of enamel erosion and other dental issues. Understanding the causes and taking steps to protect your enamel can keep your teeth strong and healthy. Remember to visit your dentist regularly for check-ups and professional advice. A dentist can diagnose the underlying cause and recommend the best treatment options.

If you’re looking for a dentist in Douglasville, our team is here to help. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more about how we can help you achieve your best smile.



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Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dentistry, Oral Health

Effectively Whiten Teeth with Minimal Sensitivity

Effectively Whiten Teeth with Minimal Sensitivity

Brightening your smile with tooth whitening treatments can be a rewarding experience, though it sometimes leads to temporary tooth sensitivity. This side effect can make you experience quick discomfort, especially when your teeth are exposed to certain temperatures or when you’re eating certain foods. If you’re interested in tooth whitening but worried about sensitivity, here’s how to enjoy a brighter smile with less discomfort.

Evaluate Smile Whitening Products

There are several different products to consider when looking for a tooth whitening treatment. You should always start with a consultation with your dentist in Douglasville to help you evaluate your options and choose a safe and suitable whitening method.

  • In-Office Whitening: Dentists offer professional whitening services in their offices designed to minimize tooth sensitivity. These treatments often include protective components that shield the teeth from harsh effects.
  • At-Home Whitening: If you prefer at-home treatments, select whitening kits for sensitive teeth. These kits have gentler formulations, reducing the likelihood of sensitivity.

Pre-Treatment Preparation

One of the best ways to reduce the risk of tooth sensitivity following a smile whitening treatment is to prepare your teeth properly. 

  • Enhanced Enamel Protection: Use toothpaste formulated for sensitive teeth before beginning your whitening regimen. These products typically contain compounds like potassium nitrate that help numb nerve endings in the teeth.
  • Professional Fluoride Applications: Consider having a fluoride treatment at your dentist’s office to strengthen your enamel and reduce the impact of whitening agents on your teeth.

During Whitening 

Simply choosing the right product and preparing your teeth before starting a whitening treatment may not reduce sensitivity enough. Take these steps during treatment to help. 

  • Strictly Follow Instructions: To avoid increasing sensitivity, use whitening products exactly as directed.
  • Modify Treatment Duration: If you start feeling sensitive, consider decreasing the duration of each whitening session, which can help mitigate discomfort.

Care After Whitening

Once your treatment is complete, you should still take steps to protect your teeth and avoid uncomfortable pangs of sensitivity. 

  • Watch What You Eat: Avoid very hot or cold drinks and foods shortly after whitening to prevent sensitivity spikes.
  • Soft Brushing Techniques: Use a soft toothbrush and gentle brushing motions to care for your teeth post-whitening.

Tooth whitening is an excellent option for enhancing your smile, but handling the treatment properly is important to avoid discomfort. You can achieve great results without significant sensitivity by carefully choosing your whitening method, preparing in advance, and adhering to best practices. 

If you’re considering smile whitening in Douglasville, start with a visit to your dentist. They can offer customized advice and treatment options tailored to your needs, ensuring a comfortable and practical whitening experience. 



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Oral Health, Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dentistry

How Dental Veneers Can Make Your Teeth Look Better

How Dental Veneers Can Make Your Teeth Look Better

As we ring in the New Year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the past and contemplating ways to enhance our lives in the coming year. One common resolution that often tops the list is the desire for self-improvement, and what better way to start fresh than by transforming your smile through cosmetic dentistry with your dentist in Douglasville? If you’ve been longing for a radiant and confident smile, now is the perfect time to consider the transformative power of cosmetic dentistry, particularly with the help of veneers.

The Desire for Change

The dawn of a new year brings with it the promise of new beginnings and the chance to redefine ourselves. For many, the desire to improve their smile has lingered in the background, perhaps overshadowed by the busyness of life or the fear of dental procedures. However, the start of a new year is an opportune moment to finally prioritize yourself and take the step towards achieving the smile you’ve always dreamed of.

Understanding Veneers

Cosmetic dentistry in Douglasville, specifically veneers, has become a popular choice for those seeking a quick and effective solution to enhance their smiles. Veneers are ultra-thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth. They are designed to address a variety of aesthetic concerns, including discoloration, uneven spacing, chipped or misshapen teeth, providing a natural appearance.

A Radiant Smile Boosts Confidence

One of the most significant benefits of cosmetic dentistry, especially veneers, is the immediate boost in confidence. Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you, and when you feel good about it, it shows. Veneers can correct imperfections and create a harmonious, radiant smile that exudes confidence, positively impacting your personal and professional interactions.

A Painless Transformation

The thought of dental procedures can be intimidating, but with advancements in cosmetic dentistry, the process of getting veneers is relatively painless. During the initial consultation, your dentist will assess your dental health and discuss your goals. The preparation and placement of veneers typically involve minimal discomfort, and the results are well worth the temporary inconvenience.

Personalized and Natural Results

One of the key advantages of veneers is their customizability. Your dentist will work with you to choose the shape, size, and shade of your veneers to ensure they complement your facial features and look natural. The result is a personalized smile that enhances your overall appearance without appearing artificial.

Long-lasting Investment in Self

Opting for veneers is not just a cosmetic enhancement; it’s an investment in your long-term oral health and overall well-being. Veneers are durable and stain-resistant, providing you with a lasting solution that requires minimal maintenance. With proper care, your veneers can maintain their brilliance for many years, allowing you to enjoy the benefits of your transformed smile well into the future.

As you usher in the New Year, consider taking the step towards a brighter, more confident version of yourself through cosmetic dentistry offered by your dentist in Douglasville. The transformational power of veneers can go beyond aesthetics, influencing how you perceive yourself and how others perceive you. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your smile and, in turn, boost your self-esteem, leaving behind any reservations that may have held you back in the past.



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Oral Health, Cosmetic Dentistry

How Long Does It Take To Get a Whiter Smile?

How Long Does It Take To Get a Whiter Smile?

There’s nothing quite like having a bright, white smile. But many things in our lives can cause teeth to appear discolored or yellow. Thankfully, there are many different ways to whiten teeth. However, if you’re wondering just how long it will take to get whiter teeth, there is no one answer as treatment times vary between products. Let your dentist in Douglasville help. 

Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

With so many different smile whitening options available, it can be hard to figure out which one will work the best for you. Different types of tooth whitening treatments have pros and cons, including how long it takes to see results. 

  • Professional Tooth Whitening in Douglasville

The fastest way to transform the color of your teeth is through a professional smile whitening treatment at your dentist’s office. Professional whitening systems can brighten teeth several shades in as little as an hour. 

  • Over-The-Counter Whitening Strips and Trays

Whitening strips and trays that you can buy on your own may be cheaper than professional whitening, but they do take longer to work. If used as directed, many trays or strips can start to show results in a few days and can show full results in 10-12 days. 

  • UV Whitening

UV lights partnered with a whitening solution are a relatively new way to whiten teeth, but are comparable in cost and efficiency as whitening strips or trays. As with any whitening product, use as directed and you should start to see results in 10-14 days. 

  • Whitening Toothpaste

Sometimes considered more of a maintenance product, whitening toothpastes can brighten teeth in about two to six weeks and help keep additional staining from causing additional discoloration. 

Alternatives to Tooth Whitening

It’s important to know that not all tooth discoloration can be reversed through tooth whitening treatments. This is one reason why you should talk to your dentist in Douglasville before starting any smile whitening treatment. If smile whitening isn’t right for you, don’t worry, various forms of cosmetic dentistry such as dental veneers can help. 

If you’re looking into getting a whiter smile, start by talking to your dentist. They can help identify the type of tooth staining you have and what treatments will give you the results you’re looking for. 



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Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Health

Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

Improve Your Smile With Cosmetic Dentistry

There are plenty of reasons why someone may not love the way their smile looks. Maybe their teeth aren’t white enough or perhaps they’re crooked or worn down. Whatever the reason, there’s a cosmetic dentistry solution from your dentist in Douglasville that can transform your smile into one you’re proud of and can’t wait to show off. Better yet, many of these treatments are fast and easy so you can get a new look quickly. 

Top 5 Cosmetic Dentistry Solutions

Depending on your specific wants and needs, your dentist in Douglasville can recommend the best cosmetic dentistry treatment, or combination of treatments, for your smile goals. Here are some of the most popular cosmetic dentistry solutions available to patients.  

  • Teeth Whitening 

One of the easiest ways to boost your smile’s appearance is to change the color of your teeth. However, finding the best teeth whitening treatment in Douglasville can be confusing. From over-the-counter whitening strips and pens to glowing trays that you can buy online, there are tons of teeth whitening solutions available. It’s important to know that not all of these treatments are created equal. We recommend talking with your dentist about getting professional teeth whitening treatment before investing in any product. Your dentist will want to make sure that your teeth are healthy enough for whitening and can help make the best recommendation to get you the results you want. 

  • Dental Veneers 

Veneers are a perfect cosmetic dentistry solution if you want to whiten your teeth and a traditional whitening product won’t work, if you have chipped, broken, or crooked teeth, or if you want to change the length or shape of your teeth. As the name suggests, veneers essentially cover up the natural tooth and are custom-made to give you the shape and color you’re looking for. 

  • Bonding

If veneers aren’t an option for you, there is an alternative. Cosmetic bonding can also cover up undesirable stains, fix tiny chips or cracks, or change the appearance of crooked or uneven teeth. Talk with your dentist to see if cosmetic bonding is right for you. 

  • Orthodontics & Clear Aligners

A crooked smile or overlapping teeth can make you want to hide your smile. Even those who had braces as a child can see their teeth shift over time. But thanks to advancements in dental technology, there are many types of orthodontics available to help straighten your smile. From traditional braces, clear braces, or clear aligners, you’re sure to find the right solution for your teeth and your lifestyle. 

  • Smile Makeover 

Occasionally, your dentist will recommend a combination of cosmetic dentistry solutions to get you the smile you want. This is known as a smile-makeover or a full-mouth restoration and can completely transform your smile. Your dentist will create a custom plan for you that can fix things such as:

  • Uneven Teeth
  • Broken Teeth
  • Stained Teeth
  • A Gummy Smile
  • Dark Metal Fillings

While cosmetic dentistry can enhance your smile, it’s still important to take care of your teeth so your treatment lasts and your mouth stays healthy. After all, oral health involves more than just your smile. Make sure you brush for two minutes every day, floss once a day, and see your dentist in Douglasville at least twice a year to keep your teeth, gums, and entire mouth protected.



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Cosmetic Dentistry

Eat Your Way to a Whiter Smile

Eat Your Way to a Whiter Smile

One of the most common things dental patients want is to get a whiter smile. Thanks to everyday things like our morning cup of coffee or tea, or the occasional glass of red wine, our teeth are constantly exposed to foods and drinks that can easily cause them to become dull or discolored. However, your dentist in Douglasville also knows that there are things you can eat and drink that can actually help improve the appearance of your smile. Let’s check out a few.

We know that broccoli may not be the most popular choice of vegetables, but it’s first on our list of smile whitening foods for a reason. In fact, broccoli can help improve the look of our teeth in two ways. First, the texture of raw broccoli essentially acts as a gentle scrubber and can effectively rub off surface stains. Additionally, broccoli is loaded with iron which, according to research by the European Journal of Dentistry, can protect tooth enamel from acid and keep it from wearing away. This can keep enamel tough, strong, and looking as white as ever.

Switching from veggies to fruits, apples provide similar benefits to broccoli. Raw apples, in particular, also rub away stains as we chew them thanks to their crunchy texture. Apples also contain malic acid — an enzyme that has been linked to increased saliva production. Increased saliva neutralizes acid, protects enamel, and can wash away loose stains.

Another fruit that can help with tooth stains is pineapple. This delicious fruit is loaded with bromelain. Bromelain is known to help with inflammation and is a natural cleanser. In fact, the International Journal of Dental Hygiene conducted a study that concluded that bromelain can safely and effectively remove tooth stains.

Dairy foods and drinks, including yogurt, milk, and cheese are great for oral health as well as tooth staining. Foods in this food group contain a trifecta of good stuff like calcium, vitamin D, and lactic acid. The calcium and vitamin D help keep tooth enamel strong, which also helps keep teeth looking white. The lactic acid, on the other hand, is really great at fighting off bacteria and decay. Just like broccoli and apples, hard cheeses can also scrub away surface stains.

The last thing and perhaps the most important thing that you can do to protect your oral health and keep your teeth white is to drink plenty of water,  and choose water over other beverages whenever possible. Water helps to neutralize the acid that can attack enamel, and is also really effective at rinsing away food particles. If these particles aren’t removed quickly they can lead to decay and cavities, and, in turn, tooth discoloration.

If you’re one of the many people who wish that they had a whiter smile, try getting a good dose of the foods above. It’s important to note, however, that while these foods can help whiten teeth, they may only be effective on minor surface stains. Deeper tooth staining may require a visit to your dentist in Douglasville. Some stains are tougher than others, and your dental team will be able to recommend the best smile whitening treatment for your specific case. Don’t worry, there are many options available –  from professional teeth whitening to cosmetic dentistry – that can help you get the smile you’ve always wanted.



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Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Health

Why Crooked Teeth Are Worrisome

Why Crooked Teeth Are Worrisome

Many people, both children, and adults alike, have crooked teeth. Occasionally, crooked teeth can contribute to poor self-esteem and loss of confidence. But even if crooked teeth don’t bother someone mentally, your dentist in Douglasville may still be worried. The truth is, crooked teeth can lead to some oral health (and overall health) complications, some of which can be serious.

Health Problems Caused by Crooked Teeth

  • Gum Disease – Straight teeth are often healthier teeth because they’re easier to take care of. When teeth aren’t straight or overlap, they can be very difficult to clean thoroughly and properly. This can lead to a buildup of plaque and bacteria, which can cause a whole host of oral health problems such as cavities and gum disease. If not treated, gum disease can progress into periodontitis, which can lead to tooth loss and damaged bone. 
  • Jaw Pain & Chipped Teeth – Those with crooked teeth may also be at greater risk for damaging their teeth because crooked teeth often cause too much wear and tear on teeth. What’s more, is that this increased wear and tear can also put unnecessary stress on the jaw joint, which can lead to jaw pain or even TMJ/TMD.  
  • Sleep Apnea – Crooked teeth don’t only contribute to problems with oral health, but overall health, too. One of the lesser-known side effects of crooked or overlapping teeth is sleep apnea. Oftentimes patients with a small jaw also have overcrowded teeth, and this combination can make it hard to breathe. When the jaw is too narrow we tend to push our tongues into our teeth or rest the tongue in an unnatural place, which can put unnecessary pressure on teeth and cause them to shift. This lack of tongue space can also cause the tongue to fall back and cover the throat while sleeping, thus causing sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a very serious condition that can cause people to stop breathing several times a night and increases the risk of high blood pressure, stroke, and heart attack.

The Problem with a Bad Bite

Many times, the solution to overcoming a crooked smile is some sort of orthodontic treatment. But there are times when a visually straight smile can also benefit from orthodontics. You see, if someone’s teeth appear straight, they can still have an underlying problem of a bad bite, also known as malocclusion. If not treated, a bad bite could be painful and contribute to long-term complications. Such as: 

  • Increased risk for chipped teeth
  • Speech impairment in kids
  • Severe headaches
  • Damage to tooth enamel

Your dentist in Douglasville can help determine if you have a bad bite even if you have straight teeth and recommend the best treatment. 

Causes of Crooked Teeth

There’s no one, concrete thing that causes crooked teeth. In fact, there are many causes of crooked teeth, some of which may be unavoidable. Crooked teeth can be caused by: 

  • Poor habits as a child such as thumb sucking
  • Early tooth loss before an adult tooth is ready to erupt
  • A small jaw
  • Facial injury
  • Genetics
  • Mouth breathing
  • Incorrect tongue posture 

If you’re curious about whether your teeth could benefit from some form of orthodontia, we encourage you to call your Douglasville dentist to schedule a consultation to talk about your concerns and options.



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Cosmetic Dentistry, General Dentistry

Think You Can Straighten Your Smile Through the Mail? Think Again!

Think You Can Straighten Your Smile Through the Mail? Think Again!

Every time you turn on the TV these days or read something online, there seems to be an ad for do-it-yourself or DIY teeth aligners. They promise a straighter smile without a trip to see a trained professional. Your dentist in Douglasville will tell you to be cautious about mail-order aligners for a few reasons. After all, this is your smile we’re talking about. If it doesn’t work correctly, you run the risk of a bad bite, poor alignment, and adverse effects on your overall health. 

The Biggest Risks to Your Bite

No matter what kind of treatment or procedure you want for your smile, it’s always best to work with a professional. Other than keeping up with your at-home brushing and flossing like a champ, there’s not too much else you should be doing to your smile yourself. These mail-order, or direct-to-consumer orthodontic options are often not monitored by a dental health professional. So, who’s there to check in on your progress? 

The American Association of Orthodontists suggests that every type of straightening treatment plan be monitored by a dental health professional like your Douglasville dentist. This regular interaction allows you to communicate any concerns you may have. It also gives the doctor an idea of how well your treatment is progressing. Orthodontic treatment without supervision could lead to issues that are painful and irreversible down the road. 

Avoiding Temptations is Hard

When the commercial comes across the screen featuring beautiful people and their straight smiles, it’s easy to be sucked in. Couple that with clever marketing and the guarantee of a straighter smile and it becomes even harder to ignore. What it comes down to is cost. 

When you’re promised a straighter smile at half the price, you’re instantly attracted and may be ready to buy. But how do you know what you’re getting? Normally with the DIY products, you make an at-home dental impression… and you had better cross your fingers that everything was done right. Then a series of clear aligners are created and mailed to you. You wear them without ever seeing a doctor to make sure you’re not damaging your bite or smile. 

Know What’s Right

What the ads don’t tell you is that not everyone or every smile is fit for clear aligner orthodontic treatment. Sometimes these aligners aren’t enough to get your teeth to move into a more desirable, healthy position. Chances are, to get the results you want, you’re going to need some serious tooth movement. If your case is complicated, wasting your money on mail-order, DIY aligners will NOT give you the straight, confident smile you desire. 

The moral of the story? Be careful about choosing convenience over expertise.

Are you or someone in your family ready for a straighter, healthier smile? Then forget about the TV ads and call our Douglasville dental office today for a consultation. We have the cutting-edge technology to be able to assess your smile and your bite to find out what orthodontic treatment is right for you. Better yet, if we find something that’s going to work for you, we’ll be there with you every step of the way. We can answer questions, make sure your treatment is progressing normally, and help you with aftercare needs, like a custom retainer. 



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Cosmetic Dentistry

What You Need to Know About DIY Dental Veneers

What You Need to Know About DIY Dental Veneers

You may have seen recent ads for do-it-yourself dental veneers pop up on your social media news feed, or stumbled across veneers that you can purchase online through various retailers. While DIY dental veneers may sound like a quick and cheap fix, there are several concerns your dentist in Douglasville wants you to know about.

What Are DIY Veneers?

DIY dental veneers are inexpensive alternatives to a professional and custom-made solution from your dentist in Douglasville. They typically come in two varieties — one that uses molds of your teeth and one that does not. Unlike their professional counterparts, DIY veneers are temporary, removable, and are held in place only using dental adhesive. 

Concerns About DIY Veneers

Those looking to enhance the appearance of their smile may be first attracted to the low cost of DIY veneers. But these temporary fixtures do not come without concerns. 

  • Temporary – DIY veneers are designed to only be worn occasionally and for short periods of time. This really only allows someone to have a brighter, straighter, more attractive smile for a few hours. Professional cosmetic dentistry and veneers from our dental office in Douglasville give you a permanent smile every day of your life.  
  • Longevity – The materials used to create these cheap alternatives to custom veneers are typically low quality. This means you may need to replace temporary DIY veneers several times. 
  • Not Custom – Even the DIY veneers that require you to take molds of your teeth and send them off to the manufacturer aren’t incredibly custom. The final result can be uncomfortable and may look unrealistic. 
  • Bite Problems – One of the larger concerns of DIY veneers is that the manufacturer is not taking your bite into consideration when making the fixture. This means you may accidentally shift your bite or put unnecessary pressure on your teeth and jaw. This can create pain, discomfort, and, if not treated, more problems down the road. 
  • Decay – When a dental appliance does not fit well (and DIY veneers often don’t), there’s often a space between the appliance and the teeth or gums. This space gives food and bacteria a great place to hide which can easily lead to decay, cavities, and again, more problems such as the need for a root canal or crown. 

Every patient’s mouth is unique, as are their goals and concerns. The only way to make sure you’re investing your money into something that you will be happy with long-term is to talk with your dentist in Douglasville. There are many cosmetic dentistry treatments available, including veneers, that can improve your smile safely and permanently. Ensure that your results are truly custom and truly what you’re looking for. Schedule an appointment today. 



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Cosmetic Dentistry

Your Guide to Understanding Cosmetic Dentistry

Your Guide to Understanding Cosmetic Dentistry

Any dentist, along with everyone at our Douglasville dental office, will tell you that one of the most gratifying, tear-jerking moments we have doing what we do is when someone’s smile and life is improved, and they become more confident. One of the areas of dental care that allow us the tools and treatments to complete this kind of transformation is cosmetic dentistry. There are so many special ways it can be used to fix or enhance your teeth. Let’s learn a little more about cosmetic dentistry and all it has to offer you.

Can Any Dentist Do Cosmetic Dentistry?

The answer to this question is generally, yes. However, some dentists are more qualified and trained to handle cosmetic cases compared to their dental peers. If you’re considering any cosmetic change to your smile, it’s always a good idea to check out your options if you don’t have a dentist in Douglasville.

The American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says you’ll want to check out these three things while you’re researching a dentist or an office that’s the right fit for you:

1) Before & After Shots – Any dentist who’s proud of their cosmetic cases should have some good before and after photos for you to see so that you can compare results. They’re usually available on most dental office websites and will tell you what kind of work a patient has had done so you can decide if you’d like to learn more about a specific procedure.

2) Continuing Education – You can always find out if a dentist or dental team you’re considering is up-to-date with the latest treatment techniques and technology. There are so many innovations and changes that occur within cosmetic dentistry as the years’ progress, so it’s important to know what’s available and how to put it to good use.

3) References – Checking patient testimonials or reading online reviews can be helpful if you’re looking to find a cosmetic dentist that provides the services you need with office hours that work for you.

Common Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Some cosmetic dentists offer a wider variety of services than others, so it’s best to know what you’re considering having done. These are just a few of the most popular cosmetic dental treatments available today, across the country:

  • Veneers – Most people know of or have at least heard about dental veneers. They can take your teeth from drab to Hollywood-worthy in just a short amount of time. Veneers are usually made of porcelain or plastic and are very thin. Your dentist places them over the front of your teeth for an immediate upgrade to the shape and color of your smile. Veneers can help you say goodbye to unevenly spaced, chipped, broken, or discolored teeth.
  • Crowns – You also might know these cosmetic dentistry solutions by another name called caps. We can use crowns to help fix deteriorating teeth by covering your tooth for better appearance and function. They tend to have the longest life expectancy compared to other popular cosmetic restorations.
  • Bonding – This tooth-colored material is expertly placed on teeth to help them be more uniform and free from gaps or discolorations. Slightly decayed or chipped teeth can often be fixed with bonding because it can cover the entire surface of your tooth for a change in shape and color.
  • WhiteningTeeth whitening is probably the most widely recognized cosmetic dental treatment because it’s something we can do in the dentist’s office or the comfort of our own home. This can help lighten and brighten your smile for any big occasion.

We hope you’ve learned a little something about cosmetic dentistry today. If you’re considering making a change to your smile, please don’t hesitate to talk to your Douglasville dentist to find out what treatments would work for you. Maybe it’s time to boost your smile and your confidence?