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Dental Hygiene, General Dentistry, Oral Health

Why Are Regular Teeth Cleanings Important?

Why Are Regular Teeth Cleanings Important?

You’ve heard your dentist in Douglasville say time and time again just how important regular teeth cleanings are to maintaining good oral health. It’s true! Routine dental checkups and cleanings are critical to preventing dental problems, catching any problems early when they’re easier to treat, and maintaining overall health. 

Decay & Gum Disease

Firstly, regular teeth cleanings help prevent tooth decay and gum disease, which are two of the most common dental problems. Plaque buildup is the leading cause of tooth decay and gum disease, and unfortunately, it can be difficult to remove through brushing and flossing alone. Professional teeth cleanings with your dentist in Douglasville remove plaque and tartar buildup, significantly reducing the risk of dental problems. By attending regular teeth cleanings, you can prevent cavities, tooth loss, and gum disease, saving you money and time in the long run.

Oral Health is Linked to Overall Health

Additionally, regular teeth cleanings can also prevent other health problems. Recent studies have shown that oral health is connected to overall health, and poor dental hygiene can lead to serious health issues such as heart disease, stroke, and diabetes. By keeping up with regular teeth cleanings, you are not only taking care of your oral health but also contributing to your overall well-being. 

More Than a Cleaning

It’s important to remember that dental cleanings are not just about cleaning your teeth. During your visit, your dentist in Douglasville will also conduct oral cancer screenings, check for signs of other dental problems such as gingivitis and periodontitis, and provide you with personalized advice on how to maintain optimal oral health. By attending regular teeth cleanings, you can catch potential dental problems early and take preventative action, improving your overall health.

Even patients with the most diligent at-home dental care routine need to see their dentist at least every six months because plaque can still build up in hard-to-reach areas of your mouth. Only professional teeth cleanings can thoroughly remove plaque and tartar buildup, helping you avoid costly and painful dental problems. 

By attending regular teeth cleanings at our practice, you can enjoy a brighter, healthier smile and peace of mind knowing that you are taking the necessary steps to protect your oral and overall health.



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General Dentistry, Oral Health

5 Things That Can Harm Teeth

5 Things That Can Harm Teeth

If you’re following an excellent oral health routine of brushing and flossing every day and seeing your dentist in Douglasville twice a year but still find yourself getting cavities, having tooth sensitivity, or needing dental restorations to help fix damaged teeth, other things may be to blame. The truth is, there are habits that many people do every day that can harm teeth.

  • Chewing Ice, Nails, and Other Things

Many people find comfort in chewing ice, biting their nails, or nibbling on other things such as pens or pencils. However, gnawing on these comfort items can cause some serious oral health problems. Chewing on ice, biting your nails, or gnawing on pens can lead to broken or chipped teeth that will need to be fixed by your dentist in Douglasville. But these habits can also create tiny tooth fractures over time that you may not notice, until they turn into big cracks and potentially cause pain. Additionally, nail biting could also cause teeth to shift or place pressure on the jaw, causing pain.

  • Opening or Holding Packages with Your Teeth

Teeth were designed for two reasons – to help us chew and to help us speak. They were not designed to open pesky packages or hold things that don’t fit into our hands. Using teeth for things other than what they’re meant to do could damage teeth. Some common problems associated with using teeth as tools are broken teeth, cracked teeth, broken restoration, or trauma to the soft tissues in the mouth.

  • Using Too Much Force While Brushing

A common misconception is that you have to brush hard in order to really clean your teeth. However, the truth is, if you use too much force while brushing your teeth, you could actually cause harm. Brushing your teeth too hard could lead to an increased risk of decay, damage, and sensitivity. Always choose a toothbrush with soft bristles and gently move the brush over each tooth. 

  • Clenching or Grinding Your Teeth

Many people clench or grind their teeth in times of stress. This habit is often done subconsciously and we don’t even know we’re doing it. But there may be signs that you’re clenching or grinding your teeth, perhaps while you’re asleep. Consistent grinding or clenching can make teeth appear short and worn down. It can also cause tooth damage such as chips, breaks, or cracks. One of the most common signs of clenching or grinding is jaw pain, so make sure to mention any symptoms of TMJ to your dentist in Douglasville.

  • Smoking or Using Chewing Tobacco

Tobacco use not only affects overall health, it can also negatively affect oral health. On the surface, smoking cigarettes or cigars or using chewing tobacco can cause tooth discoloration. But the concerns go much deeper. Using any type of tobacco can increase the risk of tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss, and oral cancer.

We will always encourage our patients to brush and floss every day to help keep their mouths healthy. We also encourage our patients to be honest with us about any habits that may affect oral health. Afterall, it will only help us provide better, more personalized care. 



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General Dentistry, Oral Health

What Asthmatics Need to Know About Their Oral Health

What Asthmatics Need to Know About Their Oral Health

May is Asthma Awareness Month, which makes it a great time to educate people on this very common, yet very serious, disease. Around 25 million Americans, both children, and adults, have asthma, and it can’t be cured. While asthma predominantly affects the respiratory system and can cause shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, and chest tightness, your dentist in Douglasville wants all asthmatics to know that it can also affect oral health. 

Asthma & Oral Health 

Even though asthma can’t be cured, the good news is that it can often be treated. Many asthma sufferers will use inhalers to help control their asthma symptoms, but other medications also exist. It’s there where oral health problems related to asthma begin. 

  • Dry Mouth

Inhalers and other asthma treatments can cause dry mouth. Dry mouth is an oral health condition that can be uncomfortable, but the truth is, it could also cause some dental concerns. When there’s not enough saliva in your mouth, bacteria and acids that would typically be washed away will hang around and attack teeth. This can weaken tooth enamel and increase the risk of decay, cavities, bad breath, and gum disease. Anyone experiencing dry mouth, whether they’re asthmatic or not, should talk to their dentist in Douglasville

  • Mouth Breathing

Another concern that often affects those with asthma is mouth breathing. When we have trouble breathing, we will automatically start breathing out of the mouth instead of the nose. Since asthmatics typically have more difficulty breathing than those without asthma, they are more likely to breathe out of their mouths to get the oxygen they need. However, mouth breathing can quickly cause dry mouth. So not only are asthmatics more likely to experience dry mouth due to medications, but regular mouth breathing also increases the risk. 

How to Fix Dry Mouth

Dry mouth can leave us feeling constantly thirsty, and it is just simply uncomfortable. But the good news is that there are some tried and true tricks that can help alleviate dry mouth. 

  • Stay Hydrated. Those with dry mouths may already drink more water throughout the day. This is important. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps keep the mouth hydrated, which will more effectively wash away bacteria and neutralize damaging acids. 
  • Rinse With Water. After taking asthma medication, a quick rinse with water will help remove the drying ingredients, lowering the risk of dry mouth. 
  • Talk to Your Dentist. It’s important to communicate any health conditions to your dentist in Douglasville.
  • . Knowing your health history helps your dental team customize treatment for you and notifies them to be on the lookout for any oral health concerns that may result from other health problems in the rest of the body.

As always, never stop any medication without first talking to your physician, brush and floss your teeth every day, and visit your dentist at least every six months for cleanings, dental x-rays, and checkups



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General Dentistry, Oral Health

Top 4 Dental Problems

Top 4 Dental Problems

The truth is, most people will experience at least one dental problem in their lifetime. While all dental problems can range in seriousness, severity, and frequency, there are a few dental conditions that are more common than others. So if your dentist in Douglasville tells you that you need to have some dental work done, rest assured knowing that we have the experience you want and deserve to treat any problem. 

  • Cavities

Let’s start with the most commonly treated dental condition – cavities. Cavities occur when teeth become weakened as a result of bacteria, or plaque. When there’s too much plaque on teeth, the bacteria naturally found in the mouth will feed on sugars from what we eat and drink and release an acidic byproduct. This acid will weaken tooth enamel, leaving the softer inner parts of the tooth vulnerable to acid attacks. The result is often a cavity, or essentially a hole in a tooth. Signs of cavities include: 

  • Tooth pain
  • Bad breath
  • Sensitivity to heat, cold, or sweets
  • Brown or black spotting on teeth
  • Unpleasant taste

We always recommend seeing your dentist in Douglasville if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms.

  • Bad Breath

Another incredibly common concern of dental patients is chronic bad breath. Not only can bad breath be embarrassing, but it may also indicate a bigger problem. Most cases of bad breath are a result of poor dental hygiene. This is one reason why your dentist will always recommend that you brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily. However, this isn’t the only thing that can cause bad breath. Some other considerations are: 

  • Dry mouth
  • Certain Medications
  • An Infection
  • Acid reflux
  • Cancer

Your dentist in Douglasville will help assess what’s causing bad breath in the first place and recommend the best way to make it go away. 

  • Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is one of those things that may not cause problems all of the time, but when it does, the zings of sensitivity pain are certainly noticeable. This uncomfortable condition often results when the nerves inside teeth become exposed, allowing any irritant from hot soup to cold drinks to directly hit those nerves. Sensitive teeth are incredibly common and can be caused by: 

  • Cavities
  • Gum Recession 
  • Enamel Erosion
  • Chipped or broken tooth
  • Older crowns or fillings

To help, your dentist may recommend a fluoride treatment or a specific type of toothpaste designed to help sensitive teeth. Other solutions may include a new dental crown or a root canal, depending on your individual needs. 

  • Gum Disease

Gum disease is also incredibly common with nearly 50% of Americans over the age of 30 having some form of it, according to the CDC. But this isn’t just an oral health problem. In fact, numerous studies have linked gum disease to things such as respiratory disease, rheumatoid arthritis, coronary artery disease, and problems controlling blood sugar in diabetes. The earliest stage of gum disease, called gingivitis, can be treated and reversed. However, if it progresses into periodontitis, it can’t be cured and could lead to tooth loss. If you notice any of these symptoms of gum disease, see your dentist as soon as possible. 

  • Bleeding gums
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Bad breath
  • Pain when you chew

Maintaining regular checkups with your dentist is key to preventing oral health problems. But don’t forget that it’s also important to take great care of your teeth at home. This means properly brushing and flossing daily, avoiding tobacco products, and eating plenty of tooth-friendly foods such as fresh vegetables.



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General Dentistry

Early Signs of Mouth Cancer

Early Signs of Mouth Cancer

Cancer can develop in any part of the body, including in the mouth. Oral cancer, also commonly referred to as mouth cancer, is incredibly common and can affect the mouth, tongue, tonsils, and throat. In fact, more than 50,000 people will be diagnosed with some type of oral cancer every year. The good news is that oral cancer doesn’t have to be deadly. If oral cancer is diagnosed by your dentist in Douglasville early enough, treatment can often be successful 

Oral Cancer Signs & Symptoms

The hard part about diagnosing oral cancer often comes from the fact that some of the early signs of oral cancer can easily be confused with other oral health conditions. However, it’s always better to be safe than sorry, so if any of the signs and symptoms below don’t go away within 2-3 weeks, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your dentist in Douglasville as soon as you can. 

  • Chronic cough
  • Changes in voice 
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • An earache on one side 
  • A hard lump in the soft tissues
  • Swollen tonsil on one side without pain
  • A painless lump on the outside of the neck
  • Any sore that doesn’t heal itself within 2-weeks
  • Discoloration in the mouth including a red, white, or black appearance

Check Your Mouth 

While regular checkups with your dentist are certainly important, there are things you can do at home to proactively check for early signs of oral cancer or other symptoms of tooth trouble. Keep an eye out for any new tooth sensitivity, bleeding, or sores in the mouth. Additionally, check in with the Check Your Mouth initiative to help you identify potential abnormalities in the mouth.

Oral Cancer Risk Factors 

Even though oral cancer can happen to anyone at any time, there are some things you can do to lower your risk of developing this serious and sometimes deadly disease. Keep in mind that some factors are genetic, but others can be controlled.

  • Reduce Alcohol intake – Nearly 70% of people diagnosed with oral cancer are heavy drinkers
  • Avoid Tobacco –  80% of those who get oral cancer either currently use tobacco or did at one time
  • People 50 or older — Oral cancer tends to be most prominent in people over the age of 50
  • Men — Men are more likely to develop oral cancer than women, but that doesn’t mean women are excluded from oral cancer

Oral cancer is a tricky thing, and the best way to protect yourself against it is to see your dentist in Douglasville twice a year. Like many oral health problems, oral cancer is best and most successfully treated when it’s caught early. 



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General Dentistry, Oral Health

What You Eat Can Impact Your Oral Health

What You Eat Can Impact Your Oral Health

Your dentist in Douglasville is certainly focused on keeping your mouth healthy, but the truth is, we’re also focused on what you eat. Why? Well, the truth is, what you eat can impact not only your overall health but your oral health, too. To help do our part in celebrating National Nutrition Month, we’re here to raise awareness about how eating right can keep your body and smile happy. 

How Foods Affect Oral Health

Everything we eat can impact oral health. There are some foods that are great for teeth, and some that can cause problems. 

What to Avoid

  • Sugary Sweets: Eating too many sugary sweets can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and even gum disease. It’s why your dentist in Douglasville recommends limiting your daily intake of sugar. When we eat sugar, it feeds the bacteria in the mouth that produce acid. This acid erodes tooth enamel and can cause cavities as well as tooth sensitivity.
  • Acidic Foods & Drinks: Speaking of acid, foods, and drinks that are acidic, such as citrus fruits, sports drinks, and soda can also directly harm the protective layer of enamel on teeth, making them more vulnerable to decay.
  • Starchy Snacks: Sugar and acid aren’t the only things that can negatively affect oral health. Starchy foods, such as bread, crackers, and potatoes, can also contribute to tooth decay. Additionally, high-carb foods break down into simple sugars and can affect your teeth in the same way as sugar. 

Best Types of Food for Teeth

  • High in Calcium & Vitamin D: Two essential nutrients are needed to build and keep strong teeth (and bones!) – calcium and vitamin D. Foods that are high in calcium and vitamin D, such as dairy products, leafy greens, and salmon, can help keep teeth and gums healthy.
  • Vitamin C: Vitamin C isn’t only for enhancing the immune system, it’s also important for gum health. Enjoy foods with a lot of Vitamin C, such as broccoli, strawberries, and bell peppers.

Finding the Best Food for You

Nutrition can be complicated. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) tried to help us out by introducing the Food Guide Pyramid in 1992 to show us how much of each food group we should strive to eat every day. But the truth is, nutritional needs are individual, and not all of us need the same things in the same quantities. Things like age, gender, height, weight, activity level, and underlying health concerns can make your ideal combination of foods different from someone else. The best way to find out your nutritional needs is to go to MyPlate and customize the best mix of dietary recommendations for you.

Do your part this month, and all year around, to commit to eating better to keep your mouth and body healthy. And, of course, make sure to see your dentist in Douglasville at least twice a year for dental cleanings and exams.  



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General Dentistry, Oral Health

Does Green Beer Turn Your Mouth Green?

Does Green Beer Turn Your Mouth Green?

The luckiest day of the year, St. Patrick’s Day, is almost here, which means we’re about to see a lot of green everywhere, including in your favorite adult beverages. In particular, it’s become a tradition to dye beer green, which is not only festive and fun but can also cause some concern for your dentist in Douglasville. In fact, green beer, and all types of alcohol, can negatively affect oral health. 

Green Mouth

The dye used to turn beer green can also temporarily turn your mouth and teeth green. This may be fun during St. Paddy’s Day but could be odd at any other time. This is why it’s a good thing that any green staining can usually be removed by brushing your teeth. Whitening toothpaste is often the best choice as they contain abrasive properties that can more effectively scrub away stains. Keep in mind that starting celebrations with clean teeth can help reduce stain severity. Areas of plaque or tartar buildup will attract and retain dying agents faster and more severely than clean teeth, much like disclosing plaque rinses show kids areas of their teeth they didn’t clean so well. 

However, it’s not only green beer that can cause tooth discoloration. In fact, drinking any type of alcohol excessively can cause tooth staining and make teeth look yellow or brown. These stains tend to be more difficult to remove and may need to be treated with a professional tooth whitening treatment or other forms of cosmetic dentistry from your Douglasville dentist such as veneers. 

Weakened Teeth

The strongest material in your body is your tooth enamel, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be damaged. Acid is usually the culprit behind damaged tooth enamel, and a lot of things we eat and drink are acidic, including beer and other alcoholic beverages. The acidity of these foods and drinks can easily erode enamel and leave teeth at risk for decay, sensitivity, and discoloration. Weakened tooth enamel may be noticed if teeth look gray, dull, or translucent. 

Enjoy Your Beer, Protect Your Teeth

Enjoying alcoholic beverages in moderation greatly reduces your risk of any alcohol-related oral health problems. But besides limiting your alcohol intake, there are other ways you can further protect your smile including:  

  • Drinking water after every alcoholic beverage
  • Maintaining a great oral health care routine of brushing and flossing every day 
  • Scheduling and keeping appointments with your dentist in Douglasville twice a year

Whether you’re due for a dental checkup or are looking for the best way to whiten your teeth, we’re always happy to see new patients. Call us to schedule an appointment today.  



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General Dentistry, Oral Health, Restorative Dentistry

How Much Do Dental Implants Hurt? 

How Much Do Dental Implants Hurt? 

If you’re considering getting dental implants to replace missing teeth, you probably have a lot of questions for your dentist in Douglasville ranging from what’s involved with the procedure to how much it’s going to hurt. The truth is, the procedure for getting dental implants is a surgery, so some pain should be expected. However, the minimal amount of pain that’s typically associated with getting dental implants may be small compared to the benefits of a permanent solution to missing teeth. 

Dental Implant Surgery

A dental implant is one of, if not the best, ways to replace a missing tooth. Implants can even replace multiple teeth in order to avoid wearing dentures or a bridge. Dental implants are a permanent tooth replacement option so there is no need for removal, soaking, or worrying about slippage. But the treatment itself can cause concern, so let’s take a closer look at the surgery itself. 

  • Step 1: Prep The Area

Before an implant can be placed the area needs to be fully prepped. This can mean different things for different people. If you’re already missing a tooth, there is no need for an extraction. But if a tooth isn’t healthy, it may need to be extracted by your dentist in Douglasville first. Additionally, patients may sometimes need a bone graft to prepare the jaw bone and make it stronger for the actual implant placement. 

  • Step 2: Post Placement

There are actually a few pieces and parts to a dental implant. The first part is the implant post which is metal and screw-like. This post is placed into a drilled hole in the jawbone and acts as an artificial tooth root. Once the post is placed, it will need time to integrate into the jawbone. This healing period can take a few months but it’s absolutely necessary in order to ensure a stable implant. 

  • Step 3: Abutment & Crown Placement

Once the post is fully integrated and fused into the jaw bone, your dentist will attach an abutment and then a crown on top of it. Crowns are custom made in size, shape, and color to look like a natural tooth so the restoration blends into the smile. The final result is a permanent, complete, natural-looking smile.  

Dental Implant Pain

Now that we know a little more about what’s involved with getting a dental implant, let’s take a deeper look into how much pain is involved. Since dental implant treatment is in fact a surgery, patients should expect some level of pain, but it’s probably not as bad as you think. Patients shouldn’t experience any pain during the actual post placement, but they may have some discomfort for the next 10 days after surgery. If pain lasts more than 10 days, call your dentist. Excessive pain after 10 days may be a sign of an infection so it’s important to see your dentist sooner rather than later. 

Dental implants are often considered the superior tooth replacement option. So if you are missing teeth or at risk for losing teeth, talk to your dentist in Douglasville about whether or not dental implants may be the best choice for you.



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Cosmetic Dentistry, Oral Health

How Long Does It Take To Get a Whiter Smile?

How Long Does It Take To Get a Whiter Smile?

There’s nothing quite like having a bright, white smile. But many things in our lives can cause teeth to appear discolored or yellow. Thankfully, there are many different ways to whiten teeth. However, if you’re wondering just how long it will take to get whiter teeth, there is no one answer as treatment times vary between products. Let your dentist in Douglasville help. 

Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

With so many different smile whitening options available, it can be hard to figure out which one will work the best for you. Different types of tooth whitening treatments have pros and cons, including how long it takes to see results. 

  • Professional Tooth Whitening in Douglasville

The fastest way to transform the color of your teeth is through a professional smile whitening treatment at your dentist’s office. Professional whitening systems can brighten teeth several shades in as little as an hour. 

  • Over-The-Counter Whitening Strips and Trays

Whitening strips and trays that you can buy on your own may be cheaper than professional whitening, but they do take longer to work. If used as directed, many trays or strips can start to show results in a few days and can show full results in 10-12 days. 

  • UV Whitening

UV lights partnered with a whitening solution are a relatively new way to whiten teeth, but are comparable in cost and efficiency as whitening strips or trays. As with any whitening product, use as directed and you should start to see results in 10-14 days. 

  • Whitening Toothpaste

Sometimes considered more of a maintenance product, whitening toothpastes can brighten teeth in about two to six weeks and help keep additional staining from causing additional discoloration. 

Alternatives to Tooth Whitening

It’s important to know that not all tooth discoloration can be reversed through tooth whitening treatments. This is one reason why you should talk to your dentist in Douglasville before starting any smile whitening treatment. If smile whitening isn’t right for you, don’t worry, various forms of cosmetic dentistry such as dental veneers can help. 

If you’re looking into getting a whiter smile, start by talking to your dentist. They can help identify the type of tooth staining you have and what treatments will give you the results you’re looking for. 



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General Dentistry, Oral Health

Why Dental Checkups Are So Important

Why Dental Checkups Are So Important

You’ve heard time and time again about how it’s important it is to see your dentist in Douglasville every six months for a checkup. But why do we recommend visiting us twice a year? Do you really need dental checkups that often? The short answer is yes, but let’s take a deeper look into why these bi-annual dental checkups are so important. 

Cleaning Teeth

One of the most important parts of seeing your dentist in Douglasville every six months is to get your bi-annual dental cleaning. These cleanings go above and beyond taking care of your teeth at home and will help remove any plaque or tartar that occurs naturally over time. If plaque and tartar aren’t removed, which can only be done through gentle professional cleanings, they can build up and increase the risk of decay, gum disease, and other problems. 

Spotting Cavities

Cavities are the most common dental ailment, and they often come along with tooth pain, sensitivity, and other discomforts. However, they can also be so small that they don’t have any symptoms at all. This is the ideal time for a dentist to spot and treat any areas of decay. After all, the longer cavities go undetected, the more likely they are to cause pain. Dental checkups every six months will allow your dentist to monitor any changes to your oral health and see below the surface to diagnose and treat cavities before they lead to problems. 

Diagnosing Gum Disease

Gum disease is a serious oral health problem that can develop for a number of reasons. Most often, gum disease is a result of poor oral hygiene and the buildup of plaque and tartar, but certain medical conditions, medications, smoking, and stress are also known contributing factors. Keeping an eye on gum health during your regular dental checkups is the best way to diagnose gum disease early when it’s easier to treat. In fact, early intervention is key to successfully treating and reversing gum disease. If it’s left untreated for too long, it can become irreversible.  

Checking for Oral Cancer 

While smokers, those over 55, and heavy drinkers are more susceptible to developing oral cancer, it can affect anyone at any time. In fact, more than 50,000 new cases of oral cavity or oropharyngeal cancer were diagnosed in 2022. As with gum disease, early detection of oral cancer is key to successful treatment, and it may just save your life. Your dentist will look for any potential signs of oral cancer during your appointments. 

Many patients will only schedule an appointment when they’re experiencing a problem. But the truth is, maintaining regular dental checkups can help avoid these problems in the first place. If you’re overdue for your dental checkup, schedule an appointment with your dentist in Douglasville today.